
Written on the Wind (1956)

Directed by Douglas Sirk

Drama | Romance

Most recently watched by sensoria


Mitch Wayne is a geologist working for the Hadleys, an oil-rich Texas family. While the patriarch, Jasper, works hard to establish the family business, his irresponsible son, Kyle, is an alcoholic playboy, and his daughter, Marylee, is the town tramp. Mitch harbors a secret love for Kyle’s unsatisfied wife, Lucy—a fact that leaves him exposed when the jealous Marylee accuses him of murder.

Rated NR | Length 99 minutes


Rock Hudson | Lauren Bacall | Robert Stack | Dorothy Malone | Robert Keith | Grant Williams | Robert J. Wilke | Edward Platt | Harry Shannon | John Larch | Joseph Granby | Roy Glenn | Maidie Norman | William Schallert | Joanne Jordan | Dani Crayne | Dorothy Porter | Benjie Bancroft | Lulu Mae Bohrman | Gail Bonney | Paul Bradley | Robert Brubaker | Boyd Cabeen | George Calliga | Dick Cherney | Carl Christian | Kevin Corcoran | Oliver Cross | George DeNormand | Tom Ferrandini | Bess Flowers | Herschel Graham | Marion Gray | Stuart Hall | Chuck Hamilton | Don C. Harvey | Phil Harvey | Bert Holland | Jane Howard | Chester Jones | Glen Kramer | Perk Lazelle | King Lockwood | Robert Lyden | Robert Malcolm | Colleen McClatchey | Mathew McCue | Harold Miller | Ralph Moratz | Barry Norton | Ron Nyman | Susan Odin | Cynthia Patrick | Jack Perrin | Charles Perry | Paul Power | Floyd Simmons | Ray Spiker | Norman Stevans | Hal Taggart | Blaine Turner | Robert Winans | Carlene King Johnson | Barbara O'Brien

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/16/2011Movie ScreenFilmTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

Headed down to the Portage Theater for the introductory film of the Northwest Chicago Film Society new season at its new location. Stoked that it was Written on the Wind (1956), featuring an amazing Robert Stack against Rock Hudson. Terrific film! Thrilled to see this on the big screen!

I believe this is the second movie I viewed presented by NWCFS.


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