
Cat People (1942)

Directed by Jacques Tourneur

Horror | Mystery | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, AllAboutSteve, archstanton43


A Serbian émigré in Manhattan believes that, because of an ancient curse, any physical intimacy with the man she loves will turn her into a feline predator.

Rated NR | Length 73 minutes


Simone Simon | Kent Smith | Tom Conway | Jane Randolph | Jack Holt | Henrietta Burnside | Alec Craig | Eddie Dew | Elizabeth Dunne | Dot Farley | Mary Halsey | Theresa Harris | Charles Jordan | Donald Kerr | Connie Leon | Murdock MacQuarrie | Alan Napier | John Piffle | Betty Roadman | Elizabeth Russell | Stephen Soldi

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/11/2014Movie ScreenFilmTheater7 stars
03/13/2011TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

Have thèse Val Lewton DVD sets from the library so knocking a few of them out. Jacques Tourneur’s Cat People (1942) I like a lot. Nice moody and atmospheric.


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