
Voodoo Dolls (1991)

Directed by Andrée Pelletier

Horror | Supernatural


Students at a girls’ college are terrorized by spirits that haunt the institution. A haunted and disturbing horror about TV star Gina Phillips who goes to a private school and join a sorority in Montreal only to realize there is some voodoo and killer dolls in the basement.

Length 89 minutes


Grace Phillips | Nathalie Gauthier | Maria Stanton | Howard Balaban | Brett Halna Du Fretray | Beth Lachance | Nicole Jacqueline | Jessica Dublin | Pascale Devigne | Flavia Carrozzi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/16/2013TVDVDOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

Pretty poor canuxploitation flick yet oddly watchable because it is so awful. The voodoo dolls are ridiculously cartoonish. I think you have to be in the right mindset to view this as it is very slow and convoluted. Just a weird movie where few things make sense.


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