
Macon County Line (1974)

Directed by Richard Compton

Crime | Drama

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


A vengeful Southern sheriff is out for blood after his wife is brutally killed by a pair of drifters. Low-budget film set in Georgia in 1953 and at the time of release, purported to be based on a true story.

Rated R | Length 89 minutes


Alan Vint | Cheryl Waters | Geoffrey Lewis | Max Baer, Jr. | Joan Blackman | Jesse Vint | Sam Gilman | Timothy Scott | James Gammon | Leif Garrett | Emile Meyer | Doodles Weaver | Avil Williams | Jay Adler | Roger Camras | David Orange | Roger Pancake | Carolyn Judd | Kate Monahan | Edward Cross | Von Deming | John DeMattio | Linda Atnip | Ross Hildebrand | Annie B. Compton | Jan Green

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/22/2011TVDVDRented7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Was turned onto Macon County Line (1974) by the GGTMC. Sought it out so I could finally watch. Really good grindhouse flick about some boys who dust up trouble before heading into the service and find themselves a target for a crime they didn’t commit. Written by Max Baer Jr, he stars as the sheriff. Good flick to own.


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