
The Lost Empire (1984)

Directed by Jim Wynorski

Action | Adventure | Fantasy

Most recently watched by noahphex, Javitron


A police officer and her two companions battle an evil genius with diabolical plans to destroy the world. Whoever can find the three sacred jewels can anticipate total power.

Rated R | Length 83 minutes


Melanie Vincz | Raven De La Croix | Angela Aames | Paul Coufos | Robert Tessier | Angus Scrimm | Blackie Dammett | Linda Shayne | Kenneth Tobey | Tom Rettig | Angelique Pettyjohn | Anne Gaybis | Bill Thornbury | Garry Goodrow | Anita Merritt | Thomas Rosales Jr. | Rick Barker | Tracey Adams | Ruby Handler | Laura Lee Kasten | Karen Ribbens | Steve Neill | Tina Merkel

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/25/2013Movie ScreenBlu-rayTheater7 stars
12/15/2012TVDVDOwned6.5 stars
04/21/2012TVOtherOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This was one of the reasons why I attended the B-Movie Celebration. To see this on the big screen with Wynorski there to introduce and talk with was like a dream. Such a fun and memorable experience. Movie is a blast but chatting with Jim was a real treat.


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