
The Giant Spider (2013)

Directed by Christopher R. Mihm

Horror | Science Fiction


When radiation left behind by atomic weapons testing creates a gigantic killer mutant arachnid, it’s up to a trio of scientists, an Army general, and a newspaper reporter and his fiancĂ©e to figure out how to stop the hungry beast from devouring the entire county.

Rated NR | Length 71 minutes


Shannon McDonough | Daniel Sjerven | Billie Jo Konze | Michael Cook | James Norgard | Mark Haider | Ware Carlton-Ford | Aaron Courteau | Elliott Mihm | Alice Mihm | Stephanie Mihm | Cherie Gallinati | Kira Pontiff | Melissa Dirtzu | Ann Segar

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/26/2013Movie ScreenBlu-rayTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

My four film of day two (7th overall) at B-Movie Celebration. Wasn’t planning on seeing this one but the timing worked out. Was glad to catch this throwback to 50s giant monster sci-fi flicks. Mostly fun when it isn’t trying so hard to be exactly like those movies. It’s as though the movie is aspiring for that certain quality those films possess only because of when they were made and the context of that time. This movie doesn’t quite succeed on that front but still entertaining.


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