
Unstoppable (2010)

Directed by Tony Scott

Thriller | Drama | Action

Most recently watched by noahphex, jenerator, sensoria


A runaway train, transporting deadly, toxic chemicals, is barreling down on Stanton, Pennsylvania,  and proves to be unstoppable until a veteran engineer and young conductor risk their lives to try and stop it with a switch engine.

Rated PG-13 | Length 98 minutes


Denzel Washington | Chris Pine | Rosario Dawson | Kevin Dunn | Lew Temple | Kevin Corrigan | Ethan Suplee | Kevin Chapman | Jessy Schram | Elizabeth Mathis | Meagan Tandy | David Warshofsky | Andy Umberger | T.J. Miller | Dylan Bruce | Jeff Hochendoner | Ryan Ahern | Christopher Lee Philips | Kevin McClatchy | Toni Saladna | Patrick McDade | Jeff Wincott | Rick Chambers | Bud Davis | Bill Laing | Scott A. Martin | Richard Pelzman | Lissa Brennan | Heather Morgan Leigh | Barry Ben Sr. | Carla Bianco | Keith Michael Gregory | L. Derek Leonidoff | Aisha Hinds | David Flick | Rebecca Harris | Joshua Elijah Reese | Jason McCune | Adrienne Wehr | Tom Stoviak | Joe Coyle | Dihlon McManne | Charles Van Eman | Matthew J. Cates | Warren Sweeney | Chase Ellison | Stephen Monroe Taylor | Jarrod DiGiorgi | Mike Clark

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/02/2011TVBlu-rayLibrary6 stars

Viewing Notes

Picked up the blu for Unstoppable (2010) from my library. Pretty much what I expected from Tony Scott, a somewhat engaging but entirely silly film. I like Chris Pine here but so over Denzel.


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