
Barracuda (1978)

Directed by Harry Kerwin

Horror | Crime


Little coastal town is being terrorized by deadly Barracudas.

Rated PG | Length 98 minutes


Wayne Crawford | Jason Evers | Roberta Leighton | Cliff Emmich | William Kerwin | Bert Freed | Harry Kerwin | Rick Rhodes | Barbara Keegan | Jerry Albert | Robert G. Noe | William Roundebush | Denise Taylor | Leigh Walsh

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/16/2011TVDVDRented4 stars

Viewing Notes

For a killer fish flick Barracuda (1978) should be much better than it is. Unfortunately the killer fish premise is nearly nonexistent and lost to a crime plot with the baddies killing off the reporters that will expose their evil plan. Terrible. Oh hey, there’s Cliff Emmich again!


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