
Bluebeard (2010)

Directed by Catherine Breillat



Anne reads her younger sister, Marie-Catherine, the story of Bluebeard. In 17th-century France, another set of sisters — also named Anne and Marie-Catherine — are left impoverished by their father’s death. Marie-Catherine dreams of marrying into money, and soon falls for wealthy divorcé Bluebeard. Grateful for the chance at a life of comfort, Marie-Catherine marries Bluebeard — in spite of rumors that he has made a hobby of murdering his wives.

Rated NR | Length 80 minutes


Dominique Thomas | Lola Créton | Daphné Baiwir | Marilou Lopes-Benites | Lola Giovannetti | Farida Khelfa | Isabelle Lapouge | Suzanne Foulquier | Laure Lapeyre | Adrien Ledoux

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/20/2011TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

Catherine Breillat’s Barbe Bleue (2009) a.k.a Bluebeard was Instawatch and expiring. Possibly the only reason to view this. The fairy tale premise should work if the execution was better but even with decent visuals this film is painful to watch. Uninteresting and lacking a compelling note to save its life. Not sure what people find good in this because it’s just boring.


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