
Dynamite Shaolin Heroes (1978)

Directed by Godfrey Ho, Lee Hyeok-su

Action | Adventure


In Ching Dynasty, surviving retainers of Ming Dynasty swears with blood to restore their country. Hwang Baek who is greedy for power, brutally kills them but the master Mok-ryun defeats him every time. Kang Shi-baek, the lord of Haedong, has a daughter, Chung-chung, who is engaged with Chon-ryong. Baek-ho asks to marry her also. Hwang-baek plots against Kang Shi-baek and puts him in jail. When Kang Shi-baek’s head was about to be cut off, two of the masters Mok-ryun show up and rid of Hwang-baek group. Chon-ryong matches against and beats Hwang-baek and leaves with Chung-chung.

Length 78 minutes


Lo Lieh | Kim Young-In | Choi Sung-Kyu | Kim Ki-bum | Choi Bong | Kim Wang-Kuk | Il-su Kwon | Kwan Yung-Moon | Lee Kang-jo

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/05/2013TVDVDOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Picked up this 4-DVD set from HPB tonight “Kickin’ It Shaolin Style” (lame name) that has 12 old school kung fu flicks so I watched the first one which was this movie directed by Walter Lee (which may or may not be a pseudonym for Godfrey Ho, who is listed as the director on IMDb and other HK/Asian film DBs yet he is listed as “Godfrey Ho” as assistant director in the title credits. Weird).

Anyway, this is a pretty crisp full-on kung fu fighting flick with a mysterious hero, “Lotus Man” in the dub. I don’t quite get the plot whatsoever which holds it back from being truly excellent. Still a fun movie with some terrific choreography. Lotus Man is awesome because he wears a basket on his head to conceal his identity. I don’t know how that thing stays on his head.


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