
Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Directed by George A. Romero


Most recently watched by sensoria, zombiefreak, ashe5k, archstanton43, schofizzy


A group of strangers trapped in a farmhouse find themselves fending off a horde of recently dead, flesh-eating ghouls.

Rated NR | Length 96 minutes


Judith O'Dea | Duane Jones | Marilyn Eastman | Karl Hardman | Judith Ridley | Keith Wayne | Kyra Schon | Charles Craig | S. William Hinzman | Bill 'Chilly Billy' Cardille | John Simpson | George Kosana | Frank Doak | A.C. McDonald | Samuel R. Solito | Mark Ricci | Lee Hartman | Ross Harris | Steve Hutsko | Phillip Smith | Randy Burr | Jack Givens | Richard Ricci | Rudy Ricci | Paula Richards | Herbert Summer | William Burchinal | Al Croft | Jason Richards | Dave James | Sharon Carroll | William Mogush | Joann Michaels | Ella Mae Smith | George A. Romero | John A. Russo | Russell Streiner | Richard France

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/12/2014Movie ScreenFilmTheater8 stars
01/18/2003TVDVDOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Picked up a cheapie DVD and it’s been a while since I’ve seen this so I figured I’d give it a whirl. Still quite an exceptional film not just for its time. Forgot how tragic the ending is.


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