
Ten Violent Women (1982)

Directed by Ted V. Mikels

Crime | Drama


Eight women miners get fed up with their lifestyle and decide to try crime. After successfully pulling off a jewelry store robbery, they are busted by narcs when they try to buy cocaine. The eight get sent to a prison where a butch head guard uses the prisoners for her own deviant pleasures. Two of the women manage to escape and then get mixed up with a shah who had a scarab ring stolen in their jewelry heist.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Sherri Vernon | Dixie Lauren | Sally Alice Gamble | Georgia Joan Hannan | Jane Farnsworth | Melodie Bell | Christina de Cattani | Paula Ian | Sherry Hardin | Kelly Lancaster | Peggy Hayes | Juanita Morgan Copeland | Eileen Lee | Julie Wakefield | Leigh Reynolds | Anne Gaybis

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/04/2013TVBroadcastTV5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

For a Ted V. Mikels joint I wasn’t expecting much from this and that’s a good thing. He basically mashes two exploitation subgenres into one film which takes the steam out of both halves. The first half is the all girl criminal gang while the second half has them fending for themselves in prison. The titillation of the women’s prison is half baked and never feels as grimy and sleazy as it should be. But it’s an okay attempt albeit unsuccessful.


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