
Thomasine & Bushrod (1974)

Directed by Gordon Parks Jr.

Western | Action | Crime

Most recently watched by zombiefreak


A pair of thieves operate in the American South between 1911 and 1915, stealing from rich, white capitalists, and giving to Mexicans, Native Americans and poor whites.

Length 95 minutes


Max Julien | Vonetta McGee | George Murdock | Glynn Turman | Juanita Moore | Joel Fluellen | Jackson D. Kane | Bud Conlan | Kip Allen | Ben Zeller | Herb Robins | Harry Luck | Jason Bernard | Paul Barbier | Scott Britt | Geno Silva | Katy Martin | Patricia Milner | Brad Woolley | Max Cisneros | James Sargeant

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/25/2014TVDVDTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Film #6 at B-Fest 2014.

The festival always schedules one blaxploitation flick and this year we got a combo w/western. I hadn’t even heard of this movie until the event. Definitely a unique twist on the Bonnie & Clyde story. Corny at times but a good watch even without the extra crowd commentary. Definitely a nice surprise even when it doesn’t always work.


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