
Guru, the Mad Monk (1970)

Directed by Andy Milligan

Horror | History


A deranged 15th Century prison colony chaplain exploits his power to get money for his church including murder and grave robbing committed by his vampire mistress and one-eyed hunchback assistant.

Rated R | Length 62 minutes


Neil Flanagan | Jaqueline Webb | Judith Israel | Jack Spencer | Frank Echols | Gerald Jacuzzo | Paul Lieber | Julia Wills | Ron Keith | Myschka | Irving Metzman | Jeffrey Isaacs | Roy Gordon | Stanley Herbert | Billy Hoffman | Tom Mullaney | Joe Pichette | Joan Durant

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/28/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater5 stars

Viewing Notes

Boring. So much talking that I could barely stay awake. Still not sure what happened. Have to revisit.


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