
Jinn (2014)

Directed by Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad

Fantasy | Thriller


From the beginning, stories of angels and men have captured our imaginations and have been etched into our history crossing all boundaries of culture, religion, and time. These two races have dominated the landscape of modern mythology for countless centuries, almost washing away the evidence that a third ever existed. This third race, born of smokeless fire, was called the jinn. Similar to humans in many ways, the jinn lived invisibly among us and only under dire or unusual circumstances were our paths ever meant to cross.

Rated PG-13 | Length 97 minutes


Dominic Rains | Ray Park | William Atherton | Faran Tahir | Serinda Swan | Walter Phelan | Milica Govich | Danny Mooney | Ron Causey | Shaun Paul Piccinino | Sonny Sison | Corlandos Scott | Bill Lumbert | Bryan Jones | Richard Mandell | Sabrina Dungan | Ele Bardha

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/05/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater5 stars

Viewing Notes

This is not a good movie. But I don’t think it’s terrible just not a very good production or very original. I’m guessing Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad thinks this is more original than it is and convinced enough investors to buy in which is ostensibly a feature length car commercial for his Firebreather Custom Camero. Because that camero gets all the best shots and screentime.

The story is a dopey evil versus good with a “chosen one” selected to battle the demons. Or something. Something that you’d see DTV on late night cable. Apparently Zaheer “bought” distribution to get this movie into a handful of theaters. Not sure exactly why since someone had to inform him that this is not a good movie and without proper marketing no one is going to see it. I think there may have been a couple other people in my screening. Also doesn’t have a title that’s going to get curious people into seats.

Probably the biggest fault is not giving Ray Park more action beats. He has one good sequence but is otherwise wasted handing out more convoluted exposition.


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