
The Ice Harvest (2005)

Directed by Harold Ramis

Crime | Comedy | Drama

Most recently watched by schofizzy, PeterMartin


A shady lawyer attempts a Christmas Eve crime, hoping to swindle the local mob out of some money. But his partner, a strip club owner, might have different plans for the cash.

Rated R | Length 88 minutes


John Cusack | Billy Bob Thornton | Connie Nielsen | Randy Quaid | Oliver Platt | Mike Starr | Ned Bellamy | T.J. Jagodowski | David Pasquesi | Lara Phillips | Bill Noble | Brad Smith | Meghan Maureen McDonough | Jenny Wade | Tab Baker | William Dick | Mick Napier

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/30/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Now that I’ve seen this I can understand why this movie didn’t do so well when it came out. Dark comedy for sure but hard to like any of the characters, which are mostly pretty good but also despicable. No sympathy for any making it hard to root for them. Still a decent watch as everything unravels.


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