Animation | Supernatural | Fantasy
The Korean Academy of Film Arts has produced an animation for 3 consecutive years through a collaborative project. Considering the severe reality of Korean animation in that it lacks an industrial infrastructure, “The House” demonstrates the possibilities of Korean animation and the efficiency of collective production. While comparing apartments in the downtown core to the shabby environment of a marginalized district, “The House” portrays the collapse of the spirits dwelling at the house. As such the adventure of Ga-young and the spirits in the house becomes a criticism of modern society: enlightenment via animation. Although this animation may not have the most delicate or original style, the 5 animators that worked on this film unleashed their imaginations, ultimately showcasing the power of a collective process and a pleasure of the collective imagination.
Length 72 minutes
Choi Jeong-ho | Kim Kkobbi | Kim Hee-jin-I | Ha Jae-sook
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
08/31/2014 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 6 stars |
(Average) 6 stars |
Love the simple animation style over the practical miniature sets (assuming those were in fact real miniature sets and not matte paintings). Gives the animation more depth. The story feels like a Studio Ghibli tale set in Seoul. I kinda wish it was because I think they would have handled the material better. This isn’t a bad movie but it never really peaks. I think Ghibli could’ve given this the emotional investment needed for the house spirits and provide more weight around the situation. This movie lacks that gut punch to get the viewer really tied to this characters and their plight.
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