
The Roommate (2008)

Directed by Nagaoka Hisaaki

Horror | Supernatural


A powerful bond between two roommates is shattered when a malevolent entity transforms one of the women into a demonic murderess, in order to stop the bloody cycle of death, a terrified roommate must face her greatest fears.

Length 90 minutes


Ryosuke Watabe | Midori Tahara | Akira Kuruta | Sawaco | Sayori Shiozaki

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/07/2014TVDVDLibrary5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

12th movie in my 31 in 31 horror challenge. Another micro-budget affair from Hisaaki Nagaoka who provides a bit of domestic supernatural thrills between two young women living together. Things get nutty when demonic possession enters their lives with murderous and cannibalistic intentions. Since the women have become smitten with each other how long will they cover up the killing? Takes a while to warm up but ends on a gruesomely nice note.


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