
Jessabelle (2014)

Directed by Kevin Greutert

Horror | Supernatural | Mystery

Most recently watched by scottfinn


A young woman recuperating at her father’s run-down home after a tragic accident soon encounters a terrifying presence with a connection to her long-deceased mother.

Rated PG-13 | Length 90 minutes


Sarah Snook | Mark Webber | Joelle Carter | David Andrews | Chris Ellis | Ana de la Reguera | Brian Hallisay | Larisa Oleynik | Amber Stevens | Vaughn Wilson | Fran Bennett | Paul Garrett | Barbara Weetman | Jason Davis | Lucius Baston | Charles Black | Elizabeth Rowin | Nick Basta | Chiek Sisoko | Kevin Patrick Murphy | Gabrielle Davis | Kevin Hall

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/08/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

“Goddamn voodoo shit”

That about sums it up. Not a bad little horror flick that plays its mystery well. I like the use of the video tapes recorded in the past for the viewing in the future. Not a great movie but will be a decent viewing on Netflix someday.


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