
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)

Directed by Bill Melendez

Animation | Family | Holiday

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, Angjonesy


When Charlie Brown complains about the overwhelming materialism that he sees amongst everyone during the Christmas season, Lucy suggests that he become director of the school Christmas pageant. Charlie Brown accepts, but it is a frustrating struggle. When an attempt to restore the proper spirit with a forlorn little fir Christmas tree fails, he needs Linus’ help to learn the meaning of Christmas.

Rated G | Length 25 minutes


Peter Robbins | Christopher Shea | Tracy Stratford | Kathy Steinberg | Chris Doran | Sally Dryer | Ann Altieri | Geoffrey Ornstein | Karen Mendelson | Bill Melendez

Viewing History (seen 4 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/23/2024TVDVDOwned7.5 stars
12/23/2023PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars
12/24/2020TVBroadcastOther7 stars
12/11/2014TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

Man, forgot how religious these CB specials are… guess I never paid no attention to it as a kid since it was “normal” but now it really stands out. Wonder how that plays today or if they cut some of that for broadcast.


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