
The Lady Assassin (2013)

Directed by Nguyễn Quang Dũng

Action | Eastern


In the remote, shoreline Duong Son Tavern, the beautiful landlady Kieu Thi (Thanh Hang) lures weary travellers, bandits and officials into her establishment with the help of her three stunning hostesses. But rather than sell themselves, the girls rob and murder their guests, hording a growing pile of gold for a rainy day.  In their latest haul, however, the women discover the bound and desperate Linh Lan (Tang Thanh Ha) hidden in a coffin. She begs them to spare her life and train her in martial arts, so she can kill evil general Quan Du, who murdered her family. Kieu Thi agrees, and takes Linh Lan under her wing, but it soon transpires not everyone is who they originally claimed to be.

Length 83 minutes


Kim Dzung | Thanh Hằng | Thai-Hoa Le | Diễm My 9x | Ngoc Quyen | Tăng Thanh Hà

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/28/2014TVDVDOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Recent purchase from Terra Cotta. Wanna give this a 7 for its gusto but the reality is it’s more 5.5 or 6. Very beautifully wrapped candy with a hollow core. Had there been more substance and reason to care about any of these characters this would be a dynamite movie. Instead this is a slight piece of cake with a few flourishes here and there.

Not sure of the exact origin of these supermodel-esque actors but they would appear to be ex-gymnasts or just very good training with SFX layered on top. The stunt coordination is superb in most cases and the real highlight of the movie; would love to the BTS planning w/the wire-work intact. It’s everything in-between the action that handicaps the movie.

It’s colorful with pretty people and good action over dopey dialogue and plotting. Entertaining but won’t fill you up.


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