
Satellite in the Sky (1956)

Directed by Paul Dickson

Science Fiction | Thriller


A bomb dooms the first space satellite, manned by a selfless crew, a stowaway reporter (Lois Maxwell) and a mad scientist (Donald Wolfit).

Rated NR | Length 85 minutes


Kieron Moore | Lois Maxwell | Donald Wolfit | Bryan Forbes | Jimmy Hanley | Barry Keegan | Walter Hudd | Donald Gray | Thea Gregory | Shirley Lawrence | Peter Neil | Ryck Rydon | Ronan O'Casey | Robert O'Neill | Alan Gifford | Charles Richardson | Carl Jaffe | Leonard Sharp | Paul Beradi | Patrick Halpin | Terry Randall | Bill Nagy | Terry Randall | John Wilder | Johnny Wyne | Trevor Reid | Bernard Bresslaw | Alastair Hunter | Jane Dore | Frank Sieman | John Baker | Tony Quinn

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/16/2015TVDVDLibrary4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Pretty dry space thriller. I like the miniatures but everything else is rather dull. Being a big fan of 50s sci-fi this is a huge disappointment.


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