
Phantom Kung Fu (1979)

Directed by Lee Tso-Nam

Eastern | Action


A ruthless warlord is using his poisonous palm to kill Ming Patriots, and only the Kung Fu Phantom (Wong Tao) has a chance of ending his reign of terror.

Length 95 minutes


Don Wong | Chang Yi | Kun Li | Ma Cheung | Lung Fong | Shih Ting-Ken | Gam Ming | Wang Tai-Lang | Ko Hsiang-Ting | Miao Tian | Su Chen-Ping | Mao Ching-Shun | Chang Ping | Sung Chao Yu | Ma Chi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/26/2015TVDVDOwned0 stars

Viewing Notes

Palm of Death!!


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