
The South Shaolin Master (1984)

Directed by Siao Lung

Eastern | Action

Most recently watched by philipjablon


The narrative centres on a nomadic opera troupe who travel to various towns as part of their nationwide tour and astound the locals with their skills. When visiting a coastal town, one of the young performers becomes involved in a market brawl after two local bullies begin to push their weight around. The righteous young performer is saved from a vicious beating at the hands of the thugs by a mysterious fighter who uses his sublime abilities to save the day. He gradually reveals to his new friends that he is a former Shaolin student and a staunch patriot - readily opposing the Manchu rulers. In a finale filled with glorious fight action, the time for revenge is realised and the battle between good and evil once again takes place.

Length 96 minutes


Yau Gin-Gwok | Zhong Xiao-Zhen | Li Yan-Long | Suen Gen-Fa | Xu Xue-Yi | Dong Li | Li Zhong-Ru | Pan Wei-Xing

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/24/2015TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Some neat fight sequences especially the scene with the women sword fighters. Lacks in the story department which gets confusing during the middle. Wish it gave more to care about other the conflict between the traveling acrobats and the meanies they confront and fight.


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