
Lost Souls (1980)

Directed by Mou Tun-fei

Drama | Eastern


Determined to escape from the harsh regime of China to the freedom of Hong Kong, three youths are captured by Mr. Hok, a sadistic human smuggler who subjects them to an unrelenting assault of degradation. Pushed to the limits of human endurance, the prisoners must fight for their lives in an unforgettable, action-packed climax.

Length 90 minutes


Aan Hung | Eric Chan Ga-Kei | Chan Shen | Chai Fung | Jenny Liang | Keung Hon | Wan Seung-Lam | Chow Kin-Ping | Moo Yuk-Fan | Hung San-Nam | Shum Lo | Wong Ching-Ho | Feng Hung | Ko Mei-Chiu | Ngaai Fei | Stephen Chan Yung | Ngai Tim-Choi | Lee Pang-Fei | Yau Chi-Hung | Tong Yuk-Cheung | Chen Han-Kuang | Dang Tak-Wing | Liu Qiang-Guo | Zhang Jianlong | Mai Zhi-Cai | Huang Jinbo | Man Ngai-Tik | Lui Tat | Tsi-Ang Chin | Yeung Kim-Man | Lai Sing-Chiu | Jim James

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/25/2015TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Such a brutal and graphic exploitation film from Shaw Production that I’m curious about the motivations to make this movie. Honestly wasn’t looking forward to viewing this other than it being a Shaw Brothers flick. Such an odd film in their catalog but I have to think they probably made others similar to this.Pretty horrible content and a hard one to rate. Well made flick but not one I’d recommend.


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