
The Buddha Assassinator (1980)

Directed by Dung Gam-Woo

Eastern | Comedy | Action


A young and unworldly kung fu student is now the student of an evil teacher, the villainous Manchu Lord Tsoi. The young impressionable man soon learns that his choice has made him a villain to his own family and people.

Length 93 minutes


Hwang Jang-Lee | Mang Hoi | Lung Fei | Chin Yuet-Sang | Hau Pak-Wai | Fang Fang | Kon Tak-Mun | Corey Yuen | Sung Chao Yu

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/28/2015PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand0 stars


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