
The Twelve Fairies (1990)

Directed by Chiu Chung-Hing

Fantasy | Eastern | Adventure


A demonmaster tries to defeat a young priestess who induces archetypal forces in the Chinese zodiac, the twelve animals in the form of her companions. There are monsters, spells, kung fu, and costumes galore for those who appreciate this sort of thing

Length 91 minutes


Lam Siu-Lau | Shadow Liu | Siu Huen | Yeung Hung | Lee Chih-chi | Johnny Liu | Lin Kuang-Yung | 廖峻 | Cheng Tung-Chuen | Pang San | Lu Feng

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/23/2015PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Damn. This is such a crazy movie but one I would kill to see on the big screen.

This is the story about Bai Ma, a magical princess, being hunted by the Evil King and his minions. On her journey she identifies warriors that become part of her posse, each representing an animal in the Chinese zodiac. Completely batshit crazy with an Evil King who is a giant. Siu Huen (Snake) is delicious as the evil queen. Lam Siu-Lau is the badass Dragon (again cast in a male role).

Apparently Lu Feng is in this however I don’t recall seeing him unless he’s the heavily made up Evil King. If I could find this on DVD I’d buy it. Supposedly only released to VCD but this really needs a proper release. It’s amazing.


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