
M 10.28 (1999)

Directed by Bruce Neubauer

Horror | Drama


A teenage girl named Mary has turned away from her faith in God and rebels against her Christian family. She doesn’t really see the point of being a Christian, and she doesn’t see the error of her ways. However, when she and her friends go to a party one night, she learns a truly valuable life lesson.

Length 55 minutes


Laura Griffith | Patricia Towner | Angie Perez | Ernie Gilkes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/31/2015Movie ScreenDVDTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

Movie 8 at HHM at Prop Theater with this mystery clue: “Christian teen horror/scare movie” which had most of us pretty excited. And damn does this movie deliver the goods. It’s awkward with some hilarious dialogue and overacting. Super heavy-handed which makes even more fun with a crowd then it goes horror mode with a trip to hell with a torture-lite sequence that is fascinating.

What’s totally insane about this movie is it is basically a “don’t go to parties and partake in underage drinking” warning for teens. But they pile on the repercussions of doing such things to make this so absurd it’s incredible.

Possible the most entertaining movie of the marathon which is saying a lot.


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