
Raw Force (1982)

Directed by Edward D. Murphy

Horror | Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by sensoria, scottfinn, Javitron, seanCduregger, zombiefreak, BTSjunkie, lolareels, noahphex, jenerator


A group of martial arts students are en route to an island that supposedly is home to the ghosts of martial artists who have lost their honor. A Hitler lookalike and his gang are running a female slavery operation on the island as well. Soon, the two groups meet and all sorts of crazy things happen which include cannibal monks, piranhas, zombies, and more!

Rated R | Length 86 minutes


Geoffrey Binney | Hope Holiday | Jillian Kesner | John Dresden | Jennifer Holmes | Carl Anthony | Carla Reynolds | Mark Tanous | Cameron Mitchell | Rey Malonzo | Camille Keaton | Jewel Shepard | Edward Talbot 'Chip' Matthews | Vic Diaz | Britt Helfer | Alan Parker

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/13/2015TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
04/23/2011TVDVDOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Movie 3: always a treat to show this batshit movie to someone who hasn’t seen it before.


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