
Tiger House (2015)

Directed by Tom Daley

Thriller | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria


A young gymnast battles a group of bank robbers at the home of her boyfriend.

Rated R | Length 80 minutes


Kaya Scodelario | Ed Skrein | Dougray Scott | Brandon Auret | Langley Kirkwood | Julie Summers | Daniel Boyd | Andrew Brent | Nicholas Dallas

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/21/2015TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

This arrived from Netflix despite it saying it wasn’t available until next month. If You’re Next didn’t already exist, this would be a more impressive film. I still adore Kaya but wish they had done something a little different. Not a bad watch with a good runtime but nothing new here.


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