
Mandie and the Forgotten Christmas (2011)

Directed by Joy Chapman

Holiday | Family | Drama


When Mandie Shaw is thrust into Miss Heathwood’s School for Girls, she struggles to grasp the school’s new rules and the finer points of high society. As Mandie tries to stay out of hot water with Miss Heathwood and discover what the headmistress seems to have against Christmas, she stumbles upon a mystery in the school’s forbidden attic. Will Mandie ignore the warning to flee or try to get to the bottom of the strange noises beyond the boarded-up doors? Uncovering the truth may lead to telling a lie, but it might also unlock the memories of a long-forgotten Christmas.

Rated G | Length 108 minutes


Amanda Waters | Kelly Washington | Ben Winchell | Joanna Daniels | Glennellen Anderson | Nate Seman | Given Sharp

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/13/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

I would like this to be of a Christian slant however it’s not. But it is a period piece that doesn’t quite feel like a period piece. Very much a Family Channel flick.

TIL: Mandie is a character in a series of movies featuring Mandie. I’d like to see them.

This story is confounding b/c it makes no sense to me. One of the girls is hiding out in the attic but not welcome in the house but she’s writing a novel that mirrors the novel being written by the house mom. HUH?????


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