Science Fiction | Action | Animation
Gotham City is under siege by a series of bizarre crimes and only the world’s greatest detective, Batman, can unravel the mystery! The trail leads to none other than the Penguin and his Animilitia, an animal-inspired squad of villains including Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and the monstrous Man-Bat.
Rated NR | Length 78 minutes
Roger Craig Smith | Chris Diamantopoulos | Dana Snyder | Will Friedle | Charlie Schlatter | Yuri Lowenthal | John DiMaggio | Keith Szarabajka | Laura Bailey | Phil LaMarr | Richard Epcar | Alastair Duncan | Amanda Troop | Matthew Mercer | Eric Bauza | Keith Ferguson | Mo Collins
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
07/11/2022 | TV | Blu-ray | Owned | 7 stars |
04/05/2016 | TV | DVD | Library | 0 stars |
(Average) 3.5 stars |
Wow… within the opening minutes: Batman, Cheetah, Nightwing, Killer Croc, The Flash and Gorilla Grodd?! Green Arrow too?! Damn. This gets a bump just for this roster.
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