
Labyrinth of Flames (2000)

Directed by Katsuhiko Nishijima, Kip Kaplan

Comedy | Animation | Action


Meet Galan, a Russian spastic geek who`d do anything to be a real, live samurai. But that`s just an impossible dream… or is it? When his friend Natsu, who is a successor of Japanese emigrants family, gives him the gift of an ancient sword, strange events unfold, and even stranger people drop out of the sky to attack. Now Galan must overcome his ineptitude and join a bunch of beautiful women in a wacky romp through a kingdom that time forgot. Hey, what could be better?


Susumu Chiba | Yukari Tamura | Kouichi Toochika | Yuki Masuda

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/07/2016TVDVDLibrary5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

More anime from the library. Basically harem anime with plenty of fan service. Not particularly good but fine for what it is and isn’t overly long.


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