
Overwatch Animated Short: Hero (2016)

Directed by Jeramiah Johnson

Short | Animation | Action


“Hero” follows the masked vigilante Soldier: 76 on a personal mission to Dorado where he’s set to investigate the illegal activities of the Los Muertos gang—but an unexpected complication threatens to compromise his objective.

Rated NR | Length 7 minutes


Fred Tatasciore | Brigitte Kali Canales

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/26/2016ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Holy shit. I literally got choked up viewing this. Also the Chappie-esque intro is disturbing. Not something you’d see so explicit in a Pixar movie. Love the Hero rescue and the little girl. Bet this looks gorgeous on a bigger screen (I plan to marathon all these after I’ve seen each one).


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