
Super Power (1980)

Directed by Chan Wei Lin

Eastern | Action


A dying Manchu kung fu fighter sends his three sons on a mission of revenge against the five Southern champs who defeated and humiliated him a generation ago. The three Manchus enter the town where the old champs live and begin challenging and fighting an unprepared group of once-powerful martial artists and their sons. After his counterparts in the other families take some serious beatings, Billy is forced to take a crash course from a noted teacher in North and South Eagle styles as well as Horsehead Fist. Only then is he able to confront each of the three Manchu fighters.

Length 89 minutes


Billy Chong | Chiang Tao | Fung Ging-Man | Hau Chiu-Sing | Lau Dan | Annie Liu On-Lai | Wong Chi-Ming | Wang Han-Chen | Lau Hok-Nin | Cheung Chok-Chow | David Wu | Tien Ying Li

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/02/2016TVStreamingVideo on Demand0 stars
09/02/2012TVDVDRented7 stars


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