
Fearless Fighters (1971)

Directed by Wu Min-hsiung

Action | Eastern

Most recently watched by sensoria


When To Pa, a member of the prestigious Eagle Claw Clan, commands his followers to carry out a mutinous robbery against the Almighty Imperial Lightning Whip, the victim’s children are shaken by his disloyalty. With the help of one of To Pa’s former minions, who’s grown disillusioned with his leader’s unconscionable actions, they organize a battle to avenge their father.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Yuan Yi | Cheung Ching-Ching | Ming Hsia Wu | Wu Min-hsiung | Chen Hung-Lieh | Ma Chi | Ming Chiang | James Hong | Chen Yu-Hsin | Hon Siu | Han Chiang | Yi-fei Chang | Chang Shao-Chun | Ching Feng Chiang | Chih Wei Tang

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/13/2016TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Holy smokes this is a fun flick heavy on the action with two terrific female leads in Cheung Ching-Ching and Wu Min-Hsia (in apparently her only film, which is unfortunate). Literally one action sequence after another. Also some crazy wire work for this 1971 movie as well as some wacky weaponry. Really feels like a late 70s / early 80s kung fu film. I have to investigate to see if there is an earlier example of this kind gadgetry on display.

Sadly the streaming version on Amazon Prime is horrendous. Super pixelated viewing on TV. Would be much better on the phone. I’d love to find a home video release with much better PQ.


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