
Nova Seed (2016)

Directed by Nick DiLiberto

Animation | Science Fiction | Fantasy

Most recently watched by sensoria


Beneath the decay of a dying world lives the Mad Doctor Mindskull. Using the planet’s power of creation he has created the ultimate Weapon. Can mankind find a way to stop this Evil before time runs out? The only answer lies within the Nova Seed.

Rated NR | Length 64 minutes


Joe DiLiberto | Nick DiLiberto | Shawn Donovan | John Jellinek | Julie Kirkelos | Joel MacMillan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/23/2016Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

FF2016 Day 2 - Film 2

Nick DiLiberto’s NOVA SEED is a triumphant feat of old school hand-drawn animation that took 4 years to complete. Wish as much attention was given to the sprawling story that never really comes together for a cohesive sci-fi action adventure. It feels like a segment from HEAVY METAL stretched to feature length (the chase for this magical gem overtly calls back to the primary thread of that movie). Enjoyable for what it is.


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