
Sadako vs. Kayako (2016)

Directed by Kôji Shiraishi

Horror | Comedy

Most recently watched by sensoria


A girl, Yūri Kurahashi, after watching a cursed videotape together with her friend in a haunted house, becomes trapped in a conflict between the two murderous ghosts: Sadako Yamamura and Kayako Saeki

Length 98 minutes


Elly Nanami | Runa Endo | Rintaro Shibamoto | Mizuki Yamamoto | Tina Tamashiro | Masahiro Komoto | Aimi Satsukawa | Masanobu Ando | Misato Tanaka | Mai Kikuchi | Masayoshi Matsushima

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/25/2016Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

FF2016 Day 4 - Film 5

Pretty damn goofy but in a good way. Not great but certainly fun if you’re familiar w/the monsters.


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