
The Mad (2007)

Directed by John Kalangis



A horror-thriller in which a doctor and his teenage daughter are terrorized by flesh-eating zombies at a truck stop.

Rated NR | Length 83 minutes


Billy Zane | Maggie Castle | Jordan Madley | Shauna MacDonald | Evan Charles Flock | Ian McPhail | Rothaford Gray | Matthew Deslippe | Christopher Gross | Angela Maiorano Thurston | Kara Wooten | Allan Price | Michael Rhoades | James Binkley | Sean Orr | Geoff Scovell | Bryan Thomas | Christopher Cordell | Steve Wilsher | Stephen J. Lang

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/02/2016TVDVDRented4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Not good nor all that entertaining. Not sure how or why I added this to my Netflix DVD queue but I watched and counted this towards my 31 in 31 challenge.


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