
Hell Bound (1957)

Directed by William J. Hole Jr.

Film Noir | Crime

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, krazykat


After WW2, a Los Angeles crime ring uses a complex scheme, involving a freight ship, a junkie, and a corrupt health officer, to smuggle drugs into the USA.

Length 72 minutes


John Russell | June Blair | Stuart Whitman | Margo Woode | George E. Mather | Stanley Adams | Frank Fenton | Virginia De Lee | Gene O'Donnell | Gordon Armitage | Dehl Berti | Chet Brandenburg | George Bruggeman | Ann Daro | Edward DeRoo | Marge Evans | William Flaherty | Jerry Frank | Joe Garcio | Kay Garrett | Richard LaMarr | Richard Martin | George Mayon | Frank McGrath | Boyd 'Red' Morgan | Scott Peters | Joe Ploski | Al Roberts | John Roy | Dick Standish | Robert Strong | Larry Thor | Sammee Tong | Chuck Webster | George S. Whiteman | Harry Wilson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/30/2016TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars


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