
Master (2016)

Directed by Cho Ui-seok



Korea’s biggest network marketing scam reveals a far greater network of corruption and conspiracy lurking underneath.

Rated NR | Length 143 minutes


Lee Byung-hun | Kang Dong-won | Kim Woo-bin | Uhm Ji-won | Oh Dal-su | Jin Kyung | Jung Won-joong | Yoo Yeon-soo | Cho Hyun-chul | Park Hae-soo | Park Jeong-ja | Joo Suk-tae | Song Yo-sep | Lee Soon-won | Kim Sung-gon | Choi Kwang-je | Woo Do-hwan | Jeong Soo-kyo | Han Woo-yeol | Chang Ryul

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/07/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Effective corporate crime thriller with enough double-crosses to make a quilt. Lee Byung-hun does evil well (see Good, the Bad, the Weird) as the scam artist working over common folk for millions. Kan Dong-won makes for a good foil to take him down. Kim Woo-bin is the poor sucker caught between the two juggling his alliance when it serves him best. Jin Kyeong is the wicked partner in crime; she stirs the pot as things heat up. Not much new ground is covered in this sub-genre but this well crafted and thoroughly entertaining. Plus salt & pepper Lee Byung-hun is one handsome fella.


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