
Might (2016)

Directed by Emil Sallinen

Science Fiction | Short


Maryam, a rebel leader in an archaic world governed by ruthless religion, is set to prove that the god hovering in the sky is a lie. But she is stopped by a holy warrior that turns out to be her lost father. Soon their lives change as they are about to find out a secret only a god can keep.

Length 9 minutes


Jonathan Hutchings | Henry Hanikka | Sara SouliƩ

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/04/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

Really dig the entire look and feel of this even tho the soldier armor does like like HALO armor. Would like to see a feature film with this world and characters.


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