
Hopscotch (1980)

Directed by Ronald Neame

Adventure | Comedy

Most recently watched by zombiefreak


When CIA operative Miles Kendig deliberately lets KGB agent Yaskov get away, his boss threatens to retire him. Kendig beats him to it, however, destroying his own records and traveling to Austria where he begins work on a memoir that will expose all his former agency’s covert practices. The CIA catches wind of the book and sends other agents after him, initiating a frenetic game of cat and mouse that spans the globe.

Rated R | Length 104 minutes


Walter Matthau | Glenda Jackson | Sam Waterston | Ned Beatty | Herbert Lom | David Matthau | George Baker | Ivor Roberts | Lucy Saroyan | Severn Darden | George Pravda | Jacquelyn Hyde | Mike Gwilym | Terry Beaver | Ray Charleson | Christopher Driscoll | Michael Cronin | Roy Sampson | Douglas Dirkson | Anne Haney | Shan Wilson | Randy Patrick | Joe Dorsey | Candice Howard | Susan McShayne | Yolanda King | Antony Carrick | Osman Ragheb | Roland Fröhlich | Jeremy Young | Sally Nesbitt | Susan Engel | Joanna McCallum | Laura Whyte | Larry Larson | Seab Worthy | Danny Covington | Richard Moore | Philip Voss | Debra Hook | Allan Cuthbertson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/20/2017TVDVDLibrary0 stars


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