
49 Days (2006)

Directed by Kin-lun Lam

Drama | Crime | Supernatural


Liu (Stephen Fung) awaits execution after he is convicted of murdering his friends. According to Chinese superstition, the souls of the dead have 49 days to wander the earth before going to heaven or hell for an eternity. Liu and his lawyer (Gilian Chung) must find a way to intersect with the spirits to prove his innocence.

Length 93 minutes


Stephen Fung | Gillian Chung | Steven Cheung | Debbie Goh | Lo Meng | Lap-yi Kau | Raymond Wong | Jess Zhang | Wong Yat-Fei

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/21/2017TVDVDRented5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Another HK I bumped in my queue while Netflix still has them. A bit strange way to tell this story.

Genre mishmash to weave cultural, spiritual and ceremonial concepts into this falsely-accused crime drama narrative doesn’t work with the movie shifting tone and focus from serious to fantastical to horror and so on. Attractive cast that rarely fit their roles (mostly they look younger than you would imagine the character to be except Lo Meng, Venom Mob, who doesn’t get enough screen time). Definitely nice to watch but ultimately too many ingredients to make it a good film.


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