
Hannah, Queen of the Vampires (1973)

Directed by Ray Danton, Julio Salvador



Two archaeologists on a scientific dig come across a vampire burial ground and discover that the creatures are about to awaken and attack a nearby village.

Rated R | Length 85 minutes


Andrew Prine | Patty Shepard | Mark Damon | Teresa Gimpera | İhsan Gedik | Mariano García Rey | Frank Braña | Edward Walsh | John Alderman | Jack La Rue Jr. | Jem Osmanoglu | Shera Osman | Daniel Martín

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/05/2017TVDVDOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

My VS shipment from their Memorial Day sale arrived today so I decided to ease into the movies I bought with this one. Fairly slow Spanish vampire flick. Also available on Amazon Prime but not sure about the quality there. This DVD transfer looks great.


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