
House of the Living Dead (1974)

Directed by Ray Austin



On a South African plantation, a maniac is on the loose, first killing the estate’s animals, then starting on the human members.

Rated PG | Length 87 minutes


Mark Burns | Shirley Anne Field | David Oxley | Margaret Inglis | Dia Sydow | Lynne Maree | Bill Flynn | Ronald France | William Baird Clark | Don Furnival | Pieter Geldenhuys

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/07/2017TVDVDOwned4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Good: shot on location in South Africa

Bad: very dry despite a half way interesting story

Another my VS haul on a double feature disc. Easing my way into my Memorial Day hauls before diving into the good stuff.


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