
Ninja Kids (1984)

Directed by Ko Pao

Action | Eastern


3 boys are told they are Japanese orphans and raised by I-Ho Ninja Society. They learn they are Chinese and the Society tries to kill them. This movie has been condensed from a three part series.

Length 88 minutes


Alexander Lo Rei | Mark Lung | Lu Feng | Chiang Sheng | Luk Yee-Fung | Lee Hoi-Hing | Wong Tak-Sang | Clement Yeh Chao-Hsu | Hu Han-Chang | Pei De-Yun

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/03/2017TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Wish someone with more knowledge than me on HK/Taiwan kung fu movies would fix IMDb and hkmdb so that the right director was associated with this movie and the duplicate “NINJA DEATH” films were removed. Then updated in TMDb.

It’s been a couple years since I’ve seen NINJA DEATH I but I’m pretty sure this is the same cut. However ND is associated to Joseph Kuo (director of 7 Grandmasters among many other films). Yet NINJA KIDS aka ND is associated to Ko Pao aka Joseph Kuo but only directed a handful of Taiwanese films.

It’s wrong at IMDb of course. So it’s wrong at TMDb. But if I attempt to correct TMDb someone’s gonna change it and refer back to what IMDb has.

It’s just super annoying having to live with incorrect info.

And why it’s important is because this is another Venom Mob movie.

Post-note: it appears this is a film comprised of scenes and sequences from the three NINJA DEATH films. Having only seen the first Ninja Death film I believe that is the case since only the first portion of this movie resembles it. Will have to check out the other two to confirm despite the director info being incorrect.

As for the Venoms Chiang Sheng and Lu Feng have fairly decent meaty roles in supporting. Sheng is the blind priest that has to help the hero get to Feng, who is the ultimate badass villain here. Enjoyed seeing them with plenty to do. The final fight is one helluva a big brawl between Feng and the three heroes.


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