
The Touch of Her Flesh (1967)

Directed by Michael Findlay

Thriller | Crime


Richard Jennings returns from a business trip to discover his wife in bed with a lover. Panic stricken, he staggers to the street and is hit by a car, losing an eye. Scorned and vengeful, he adopts a new identity and begins a murderous rampage against all women he deems “immoral.”

Length 75 minutes


Suzanne Marre | Angelique Pettyjohn | Michael Findlay | Vivian Del Rio | Peggy Steffans | Sally Farb | Ron Skideri | Roberta Findlay

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/18/2017TVStreamingVideo on Demand4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

On one hand it’s cool that Amazon Video has these old exploitation flicks available via “Sprocket” but to completely neuter them of what truly makes them exploitive defeats the purpose. And given all the other content Amazon has, it’s disappointing they even bother offering censored versions of these films. I suppose they care more filling up their content than providing the movie in its entirety. The runtime for this film is 46min on Amazon when the actual film is 78min. So 32 minutes have been cut. Un-fucking-real.


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