
The Big Risk (1960)

Directed by Claude Sautet

Crime | Film Noir | Romance

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


Two men pull off a daring daylight payroll heist in Milan, making a fast getaway. One is returning to France after years in hiding, needing money to start fresh with his family.

Rated NR | Length 110 minutes


Lino Ventura | Jean-Paul Belmondo | Sandra Milo | Marcel Dalio | Michel Ardan | Simone France | Michèle Méritz | Stan Krol | Evelyne Ker | Betty Schneider | France Asselin | Jean-Pierre Zola | Sylvain Lévignac | Jeanne Pérez | René Génin | Charles Blavette | Philippe March | Corrado Guarducci | Robert Desnoux | Thierry Lavoye | Claude Cerval | Jacques Dacqmine | Max Amyl | Marcel Bernier | Jean Combal | Albert Daumergue | Lucien Desagneaux | Bernard Dhéran | Marcel Gassouk | Guy Henry | Laure Paillette

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/26/2017Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This was a nice pick for Noir City this year. It’s part film noir that blurs into a bit a French New Wave. The romantic side story between Jean-Paul Belmondo and Sandra Milo is worthy of a movie on its own. That was also my favorite aspect to this manhunt is how those two meet and come together as a couple. It also gives energy to this often depressing tale of a father on the run.


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