
Wolf Devil Woman (1982)

Directed by Chang Ling

Fantasy | Action | Eastern

Most recently watched by zombiefreak


A woman who has been brought up among wolves, and that in infancy to the age-old ginseng root, take revenge on the Red Devil, who ordered the murder of her parents.

Length 85 minutes


Chang Ling | Feng Shih | Wang Hsieh | Ho Hing-Nam | Philip So Yuen-Fung | Clement Yeh Chao-Hsu

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/29/2022TVBlu-rayOwned6 stars
10/08/2017TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

aka WOLFEN NINJA - This looks nuts. Let’s see if it holds up.

It kinda does and doesn’t. This English dub seems a little chopped up mostly in the first third during the origin of Snowflower. Once things get beyond her development into a full fledged fighting machine is when really when it gets good. Thought there was a some horror to this but it’s really fantasy action with over the top villains and battles. Red Devil is hilarious with his crossbones hood and metal claw hands.

Maybe the coolest thing is that Pearl Cheung directed this and also stars in the lead role as the girl raised by wolves that transforms in Snowflower the warrior.

Worth nothing I believe the animal violence is real. A few rabbits are shot and butchered during Snowflower’s upbringing by the wolves and when she first encounters humans. If not for that this would be an ideal B-Fest movie.

I’d love to see the original uncut widescreen version of this.


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